Bongo's Special Friends - 2007

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Bongo met Ms. Muriel at a Technology Fair at the office.  When they first met, she wanted to know "Why is the Monkey sitting on the Donkey?" (Some people call a Beam Pumping Unit by its other name, "Nodding Donkey") Bongo met Ms. Monique at the Shell offices in Aberdeen.  She has a very important job trying to let all the nice people into the office and trying to keep out all the people that don't seem nice.  She was really nice to Bongo and let him in with Mr. Jim and Mr. David. 

She is even nice to people that don't deserve it, Bongo thinks it takes a special person to do that.

Bongo met Ms. Lizzy when she came to visit with Mr. Mike.  There was something wrong with her jets, because Bongo heard her say that they were lagging behind.  Sleeping seems to fix that.